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  It's very important for anyone to understand that "hell" is not eternal torment, by proxy offering eternal life, albeit a rotten one, to the Goat to be tortured or tormented by any means man can lie about. 

Hell, simply means THE GRAVE. 


Goats are set for judgement, but not an eternal torment. Their judgement is everlasting, as there is no reprieve over time. It’s that simple and must be understood before proceeding.


*The God of the Bible has ordained the end from the beginning (Isaiah 46:10) as everything is set in stone.

*Every story in the Word of God was set in stone before the earth was even made. (John 1:1-3)

*God chose His Sheep, electing them before the earth was made (Ephesians 1:4-5)

*This is what real Grace is, as when the Grace passage is taught, verse ten is left out that clearly states Sheep are ordained to salvation beforehand.  

*REAL "faith" comes by hearing Jesus, who is the Word of God as we marry Romans 10:17 with John 1:1 and John 1:14.

*Jesus said His Sheep hear His voice (John 10:27)

Hearing ears are provided by God for His Sheep (Proverbs 20:12)

*John the Baptist said Jesus would baptize with the Holy Spirit and fire. (Matthew 3:11)

*Fire would be the fiery trials Jesus puts His Sheep through to beat the world out of them. (1 Peter 4:12)

*Only those the Lord loves, does He lock down and beat the world out of. (Hebrews 12:6-8)


*Jesus is the Word (John 1:1 & John 1:14)

*Jesus spoke in parables to confuse those not His (Matthew 13:10-11)

*This means the entire Word is not meant to be grasped but by His Sheep.

*Truth is only grasped by the Spirit moving man (1st Corinthians 2:14)

*Man doesn't trump spirit as spirit trumps man (Ephesians 6:12 & John 8:44)


     The Old Testament God is an actor in His own movie, that He ordained before anything was made. He then plays the role of a God reacting to things. But the cavoite is that these stories were written into the script (His Word) before the earth was even made to begin with. This brings us back full circle to Isaiah 46:10 with God ordaining the end (Revelation/end times) from the beginning (Genesis).


     The New Testament Jesus God in the flesh, the actor God once again, coming in human form, playing the role that the Sovereign God ordained before the earth was made, that His death was needed for the Sheep's salvation.    


     Easiest way to explain it in Hollywood terms is that God is the Producer, Writer, Director, of this movie called LIFE/earth, and even stars in cameo appearances, as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.


     Man can’t handle all of God in man’s human fleshly state, so God sends a sliver of himself that man can absorb. This sliver of a percentage is New Testament Jesus, Old Testament Father God, or the Holy Spirit of both.


     I won't claim to know 100% of God's Word for one would have to be God Himself to do so, as Jesus is The Word.

I do claim to teach it comprehensively in truth better than anywhere, including any building or any type of media or medium.


     Those that come from University or Seminaries are basic “bling leading the blind” scenarios or wolves in Sheep’s clothing purposefully. You decide. Not my job to decipher.


     Man's free-will decision is the satanic-antichrist doctrine as it removes God's sovereignty. Martin Luther hated the notion of man’s free will having anything to do with salvation. There are books on the debates he had with the Catholic Erasmus on the subject.


     We’re told specifically that man has no free will whatsoever in the matter of salvation/born again process twice. Once in Romans 9:16 and the NLT version says is more plainly. Again, in John 1:11-13.


     Read all verses given in the King James version for proper context. My books give deep details of Greek definitions using Strong’s Concordance.  


     The think and feel that the “end times” are at the doorstep and it's extremely layered to properly teach. 

I think the Lord has given me the ability to do it better than anyone that I can find. 

I don’t have the ability to ask God “why me?” 



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